
Severn Quay


A housing scheme alongside the River Wye and close to Chepstow’s historic centre.

This former factory site occupies an attractive location alongside the River Wye in the Chepstow Conservation Area and within easy reach of the town centre. Together with the project architects, The Richards Partnership developed a scheme for 196 dwellings, with office space and a restaurant. The design was developed to take advantage of the river frontage and includes a riverside walk with a cantilevered deck allowing attractive views up and down stream. The riverside walk also links to a series of open spaces within the centre of the residential scheme

All the roads in the scheme were developed to incorporate avenue planting with particular attention to the planting of trees at the end of street vistas and alongside parking areas. In keeping with the area’s historic character, shared surfaces were incorporated to help create pedestrian priority spaces.

Copyright © 2016 The Richards Partnership